The plants are magical, like LAVENDER, completely hypnotizing…
Just looking at the images of the lavender with their silvery-green leaves and spears of purple, pink, or white flowers, instantly will calm and makes you feel relaxed. It evokes an image of yourself in a lavender field while enjoying the fragrance of lavender.

In addition to being lovely and attractive, these gorgeous purple blossoms contain potent magical elements beneficial to beauty and wellness.
That is why the essential oils of lavenders are being used in luxury cosmetic products due to their multiple benefits and captivating aroma that induce relaxation and calmness. The natural scents of lavender can touch your senses in addition to its benefits.
It benefits skin and body in several ways: it evens skin tone, prevents wrinkles, relieves dry skin, and reduces discolouration, including dark spots.It is also perfect for hair, stimulating growth, resulting in thicker and faster hair growth. The antimicrobial properties prevent scalp issues, especially dandruff.

Historical Note
The lavender plant is a perennial shrub belonging to the mint family, native to mountainous regions of the western European Mediterranean region, Middle East and India.
It is said that ancient Egyptians used lavender to perfume their skin and used it during mummification; there are urns found in the pyramids that contain lavender residue. The ancient Romans bathed and cooked with lavender oils and even named lavender after their word ‘lavare,’ meaning ‘to bathe.’ In Medieval and Renaissance Europe, laundry women were called “lavenders.” They perfumed their laundry with lavender by hanging it on lavender bushes. There are also claims that royalty made use of lavender throughout Europe. Charles VI of France slept with lavender pillows to relieve stress and induce sleep. In England, Queen Elizabeth I required fresh lavender flowers every day. Queen Victoria used lavender as a deodorant, and Louis XIV bathed in lavender.
Love & Romance Herb
This herb has long been regarded as a love & romance herb, and it was rumored to have been used by Cleopatra to seduce Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. And in England, during the Tudor period, girls made lavender tea to help them see their future husbands; they would drink it before going to sleep, asking St Luke to bring them a vision of their ‘true love and help their beloveds think loving thoughts. Meanwhile, in Alpine Region, girls hid sprigs of this plant under their pillows; perhaps, this has something to do with the reason newlyweds stuff lavender into their mattresses to help reinforce their marriage.
LAVENDER is for lovers true,
Which evermore be faine;
Desiring always for to have
Some pleasure for their paine:
And when that they obtained have
The love that they require,
Then have they all their perfect joie,
And quenched is the fire.
Clement Robinson
Handefull of Pleasant Delites, 1584
The Lavender flower symbolizes purity, solitude, devotion, serenity & elegance, and purple is the color of royalty and embodies elegance, refinement, and luxury.
Discover the mystery of lavender when you use our marvelous balm infused with Moroccan lavender essential oil blended and rich in natural luxury ingredients.
And here’s the good news…we are working on bringing more lavender products range for you!

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