Tag: Natural Loofah

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What Loofah is Best for You?

What Loofah is Best for You?

Bathing and showering can be more enjoyable and relaxing with additional bathing supplies. Among the beauty accessories available today, there is one product that stands out as a practical one that exfoliates your skin and removes dead skin, leaving you soft and radiant – loofahs, also known as shower sponges or “kessa gloves” in Morocco. ...

Natural Loofah – What You Need to Know 

Natural Loofah – What You Need to Know 

Despite its popularity, most people don’t know what natural luffa sponges are made of.  A common misconception is that the natural Luffa sponge comes only from the ocean. Natural loofah is all-natural from Mother Nature, and the word loofa is named after its source, the “luffa” plant.  These gourds belong to the cucumber family, similar...